Sunday, July 21, 2013

Pregnancy Annoucement

Today at about 8pm, together with my fiancé, we headed back to my house and broke the news to my family that I'm pregnant!

Decided to only break the news to my family now as I'm into 12 weeks and after confirming that baby is fine from our 2nd check up.

Somehow it was hard on us to break the news as we are already preparing to get married in September 2013, and the baby thing is surely seen as unexpected by my family :P

Only my mum, sister and brother was at home, my dad was at work. After breaking the news, my mum seems so unexpected and not sure how to react. But after some time, she seems to be really happy and excited. She immediately say I shouldn't be drinking anymore cold drinks, blah blah. Haha.

Then, my fiancé left the house to allow me to have private talk with my family. This was when we chatted a lot more.

I told my mum about everything from the start of my pregnancy till date, such as the hospital I go for my check up, the detail of the check up, and a lot more~ Then my mum shared her experience with me and warned me further that I must now eat wisely and told me what to eat and what not to eat.. She also asked if she can spread the news to my relatives, and of course I said yes...

We had so much more to talk about, however, since my fiancé has been waiting for very long, I decided that I should go off and shall continue the talking when I come home again during the weekends. :)

Overall, its such a good feeling that I finally break the news to my family. It's like nothing beats my own family caring for me during my pregnancy. Its nice to have the attention from my own family.

After all, its my first child, my parents are going to be grandpa/grandma for first time, my siblings are going to be uncle/auntie for first time :D

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