Friday, January 17, 2014

37 weeks: 9th Prenatal Checkup

Currently at 37 weeks, the baby is considered full term, and is ready and safe to pop anytime :)
So... Waiting game now... :P

Check-up was super fast. Just normal scanning of baby.

Anyway, gained 2kg since the last check up. Currently 62kg!! Total weight gain as of now is 14kg..

OMG! I'm feeling so fat and heavy now! Can't wait for baby to come our soon as I'm afraid that the longer the baby stays in my tummy, the bigger he will grow bigger, and I will have a difficult labor delivery.

Here's my baby bump photo:

Oh ya, I have also gotten the admission letter to the hospital from the doctor today.
Hmm. Now that baby's arrival is nearing, I'm having mixed feeling.. Both excited and nervous. Excited to meet the baby and nervous about labor and delivery. :/
Well~ It's time for me to start packing my hospital bag and wash all baby clothes and stuff :)

Till then~ Next check up is in a weeks time! :)

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