Wednesday, August 21, 2013

16 weeks: 3rd prenatal Checkup + Baby Gender Reveal

My fiancĂ© and myself were looking forward to see baby again today. That's because we guess we might be able to find our baby's gender since I'm already into 16 weeks.

Anyway, like usual doctor Dolly asked if I have any health issues blah blah, said my weight is still the same at 49kg and commented its fine. Then proceeded to scanning.

During the scan:
  • Saw baby's head, two hands, two legs, spine, heart beat.
  • Was told baby is of correct size at week 16.
  • Saw the baby moving
I was hoping that the doctor will be able to see the baby's gender, and I was focusing on the screen anticipating, and she.....

...... pointed at the screen and announced that its what my future 2nd sister-in-law wanted (she is also currently preggy and under doctor dolly)....

And I answered: "It's a BOY?!"


Doctor Dolly nodded her head and said yes and even showed the zoomed in the screen which I can see the little boyhood very clearly :P

Was very happy because I wanted a little boy first. However, my fiancé was a little disappointed since he wanted a baby girl first. But nonetheless, he was still happy and quickly SMS-ed his family members :))

Oh ya. And had routine urine test and blood taking. And paid for our package which cost about $1,250. :X

Didn't have any screenshot of the baby today, but here is my baby bump photo:

Till then~ :X

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Entering Second Trimester

Today officially entering second trimester :)

Up to now,

- Sudden nauseous at times, but no vomiting
- Sudden sharp pain in lower abdomen . Guess its due to growing womb.
- Breakout on face- small little pimples with pus :(
- Tummy not showing up yet, though its a little bigger now
- Constipation. Now trying eat more fibre food
- Dislike eating chicken
- Craving for bread and cheese :P

Can't wait to see baby soon during the next check up :P