Thursday, June 11, 2015

16 months old and getting more fun

So.. my last update was 4 months ago. Time flies.. I graduated from Murdoch university, and now into my job for 2 months.. Well, of course there's also some growth in my little baby Elroy..

So today, I'm just documenting down my baby's Elroy most obvious growth/ progress..

1. He loves this ipad storybook app "The Gingerbread Man". I will tell him :"Go to the bed lie down and watch gingerbread man..". And he will quickly go up to the bed, lie down on the pillow and waiting for me to on the storybook for him. Another favourite of his is "The Ugly Duckling". When I tried switching to other storybook he will make noise and become unhappy. But once I switch back, he will become quiet and watch. Well well~ What a boy.. Still can choose.. :D

2. He is more interactive, unlike when he was around 1 year old. Maybe he begins to understand what we are telling him. Now when I asked him to kiss me he will put his face near me. I say sayang me, he will use his hand and tap my head/ nose. LOL. And he understands and knows who is "Daddy", "Wai Po", "Wai Gong", "Ah Yi", "Ah Gu" and also my dog "Xiaobai".

3. Nowadays, he is very smiley.. When he found something new and interesting, he will sort of turn over, look at me, make a "sound" to attract my attention and smile at me. And so, I now managed to capture more photos with his cute smiley face. :P

4. He knows how to shake his head side ways, but he doesn't know shaking his head means "No" or "Don't want". He thinks its fun shaking his head.  However, he doesn't know how to nod his head although I tried teaching him.

5. He begins to know how to wave goodbye now.

So far that's what I observed.

Currently, my hubby and I are trying to find a good childcare/ preschool to put him in when he reaches 18 months old (Currently, my mum is taking care of him from Monday to Friday overnight). so hopefully he will learn even more things when he's in school. He can also make friends of his age and have fun. However, finding a school is a headache for us. There are many factors to consider. Schools which is at a convenient location for us is FULL. My hubby also wants us to find a well known/ popular school for Elroy which mostly are very EXPENSIVE. Examples are: Pat's Schoolhouse, Etonhouse International Preschool, Mindchamps, etc.. These "branded" school's fee ranges at around $1800! WOW!!

We were very interested in Pat's schoolhouse at Kovan (Newly opened in May 15 with 6 storeys high building).. However, it is FULL!!

Well, so now. The other schools we shortlisted with available vacancy in Oct or even Dec (By then Elroy will be 20 months or 22 months old) this year are:

1. Preschool By The Park @ Li Hwan ($1250/month before subsidy)

2. Mindchamps at Serangoon ($1,765.50/ month before subsidy)

Will review these two school once I visit the school soon. :)

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