Friday, August 7, 2015

Elroy goes to full day childcare!

So Elroy is finally 18 months and we decided to put him in childcare.

For the past 4 months it had been my mum taking care of him from Monday to Friday. We in,y pick him back home on Friday evening..

First day of school for him was on 3 Aug 15. I specially took a day of unpaid leave to be with him for the day. Elroy wasn't very keen in such unfamiliar environments with lots of children. He was very sticky to me.

Summarizing the day with photos:


Very unhappy:

Lunch time:

Chinese lesson time; Coloring:


Art class; Painting:

Nap time:
Outdoor time:

Overall I feel that this school is good. The environment, teacher, assisting teacher etc. Also the principal!! :) She personally conduct English classes herself for the toddler class that Elroy is currently in . Heard she teach herself for longer session in the past though. Wasted :p

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