Friday, November 22, 2013

28 weeks: 6th Prenatal Checkup

Finally I'm now in my 3rd trimester of pregnancy which is 7 months :)

Was supposed to see the doctor today. However, went to see doctor earlier on 20 Nov 2013 instead as something happened.

Here is what happened:

On the 19 Nov 2013, upon returning home at around 7pm, I found some pink spotting on my panty liner. And when I wipe, there was also pink stain on the tissue. I panicked and call up hubby immediately. He told me to call up Mount E and seek for advise.

The doctor advised me to head down to the hospital immediately if I am still experiencing spotting after 1 hour. At around 7.30pm, hubby returned home. I was still having spotting and hubby decided that we should just head down to hospital to find out what's wrong instead of waiting and worrying.

At about 8.15pm, we reached Mount E and I was taken to the delivery suite immediately. I was asked to changed, and this was when I saw the pink spotting becoming bright red spotting. It was scary!

Anyway, I was strapped on for the next 1 hour or so to monitor baby's heartbeat. At around 10pm, the "back-up" doctor (Dr. Dolly was away and only back the next day) reached and examine me. I was told by the doctor that there wasn't any blood coming from my vagina or any open cut outside. She wasn't sure where the spotting came from. However, she said that as long as I was not having pain or contractions, and that baby was constantly active and moving, I am fine to leave the hospital.

The doctor also told me to visit Dr. Dolly Wee the next day for a check-up again.  So ya, that's about it. What a scary experience.

So the next day at 11am, paid a visit at Dr. Dolly's and told her the whole incident. She was like not surprised at all and commented that we youngsters see a little blood get so "excited", etc. Haha! She assured us that it's not unusual to see some spotting at this stage of pregnancy and long as I'm not having pain and contractions every 10 mins. Then, we proceeded to do an ultrasound. Doctor measured the baby and said that baby is in good size at 28-30 weeks :) She also checked my vagina and said there's no blood too. Hmm..

Anyway, since both doctors reassured me that baby is fine than I gladly accept it, although the spotting part is a little disturbing :P

Enough of stories, here is my baby bump update:

28 weeks baby bump

*Side note: I gained 2kg and am now 56kg!!*

My next appointment is in 3 weeks time. Till then :)