Friday, February 21, 2014

Baby Elroy's Birth Story!

I can't remember every single detail of my birth process, but I will try to recall as much as I could. I was 39 weeks and 3 days when I was in labor :)

I remember I saw "the show" when I visited the toilet at about 5am in the morning. Then after peeing, I knew that my water bag has burst as my pants was wet. I then immediately wake my hubby up and called up the hospital to check if I should head down to hospital as I did not feel any pain/contractions. And I was told to head down to hospital! Then I bath and all and we drove down to hospital.

Upon reaching hospital, the nurse put me on CTG to monitored my contractions, baby's heartbeat, and also did dilation check. Then doctor Dolly Wee came and instructed the nurse to put me on some drip to make my contractions stronger so that I could dilate faster.

Then after about an hour, I could feel very strong contractions at about 4mins apart and I quickly asked for epidural. The contractions were super painful :/

In between, I had dilation and BP checked by the nurse.

Then about 5 hours later, doctor Dolly came in, checked my dilation, and said that I'm ready to push! I was like: "OMG! Its happening!".

I was told to push all I can for each contractions that I experience( I can't feel anything since I'm on epidural, so the doctor and nurse checked on the CTG for contractions and guided me when to start pushing)

After 3 pushes, doctor Dolly decided to use vacuum on me( I believe I didn't do a good job at pushing, and doctor Dolly didn't want to drag the time any longer in case the baby is in stress mode). Everything happened so quickly and before I could react, I sort of saw the doctor pull out the baby! That's it! Baby was born! He was crying so loudly!

** Baby Elroy was born on 2 Feb 2014, at 2.41pm, weighing at 3.52kg and 50cm in length :))