Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Elroy is 2 month old

Spent Elroy's 2nd month with my family at Resort World Sentosa's Feng Shui Inn for dim sum and then S.E.A Aquarium :)

Yummy Dim Sum. Affordable too :P

Family Photo :)

Family Photo at S.E.A Aquarium :)

It was a day well spent. So glad that my family, especially my dad enjoyed this outing since he hardly has the time to enjoy. Just nice it was my dad's off day. :)) Hardly has the chance to spend family day with the presence of my dad. My dad has always been missing out all the fun since he is the sole breadwinner and has to work 3 shift. :(

Ending this post with photo of my dad carrying my baby Elroy :)

Note to Self: Must bring a baby stroller when heading out. So tired carrying baby in my arms the whole day :/