Thursday, January 29, 2015

First few steps

New milestone achieved at 11 months 27 days old!

Elroy managed to walk 2 steps on his own without holding on to anything. :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Bedtime stories

Usually before nap time or bedtime I will read to Elroy all his story books. 

Today, before his afternoon nap time, I did the same and he actually fell asleep naturally while I read. Amazing!! In the past I used to be super frustrated because I needed to carry him and "swing" him so that he can fall asleep.

Nowadays, it's a breeze~ :) Maybe also due to the fact that he has already grown up :D

Monday, January 19, 2015

Mixed feelings

Suddenly felt that I want to document down the details of Elroy's growing up stage once again after such a long hiatus.

Just a few mins ago.. Elroy woke up from his nap at about 6pm. He sat over there and whined alittle. I asked him to come over me to "hug hug".

He quickly crawled towards me (which is such a CUTE action haha), and hug me. Usually he will give me a hug and wriggle out of my arms and crawl away a distance from me.  Instead, this time, he wriggled out but sat beside me and cling on to my arms with his head resting on my left arm. And he stayed at that position for very long. He actually fell asleep again.

He has really grown out of the baby stage. He is now more sensible and more fun to play with. And this is the mixed feeling I'm having now. Although I want him to grow up quickly but that's way too fast! I'm starting to miss the days when he was tiny and where I can hug him close to me without him trying struggle out of my arms.

Well, in 2 weeks time will be Elroy's 1st birthday! Time really flies~~!!