Thursday, February 28, 2019

Baby 2: 2nd Prenatal checkup (8 weeks)

Appointment was supposed to be on 2 March 2029 but decided at the last min to see Doc Dolly on 27 Feb 2019.

The decision was because I was having diarrhea on the 25 Feb 2019 (on MC) and being having pain in my abdominal area. And then, on the 27 Feb 2019, started having fever, with sore throat and blocked nose. Went to see company doctor and was given 2 days of MC. Doctor said it’s due to the virus infection in my stomach and now pass up to my throat. Doctor even said if pain doesn’t resolve after taking the medication, will need to visit the A&E ASAP. Well, I couldn’t take any of those medication she gave because I didn’t wanted my company doctor to know about my pregnancy and I lied to my company doctor that I just had my menses not long ago.

Since I was on MC, hubby urged me to visit Doc Dolly that very same day to ensure that baby is aright (also because I have been worried about the baby’s size as seen in my last post) Rang up and managed to get a slot at 11am. Hubby also met me at the hospital (Although hubby reached at 10.40pm, but due to the stupid crowded carpark at mount E, Hubby didn’t managed to get a parking lot and ended up I had to see Doc Dolly all alone.)

So, baby has been growing well!! Managed to hear the heartbeat. Doc Dolly said that the heartbeat was strong :D

Baby had also grown from 0.54cm to 1.92 cm. For me, I have lost weight, from 51.6kg to 51.2kg. It must be because of nauseous I was having and also because I was sick.

Told Doc Dolly about the virus infection I had and was glad to know that baby will not be affected by the virus. She also said to take panadol should my fever reached 38 degree Celsius.

Doc Dolly also requested to see me in one month’s time. By then I would be around 11 weeks and she say I have the option to do a OSCAR or Harmony test. She did also said that for my first pregnancy we didn’t opt for any of the test as we are no pro abortion.

After the checkup, told hubby about the OSCAR and Harmony test and he said the last time we didn’t wanted to test because there’s risk of miscarriage. This time Doc Dolly didn’t mention anything about the risk. I think I’ll just have to do my research and discuss further with hubby on whether to proceed for such test.

So here is baby at 8 weeks 3 days:

My baby bump at 8 weeks 3 days:

Cost for the visit:

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Baby 2: 1st Prenatal Checkup (6 weeks)

First day of last menses: 23 Dec 2018

Tested pregnant with home pregnancy test: 27 Jan 2019

Made first appointment (16 Feb 19) with Dr Dolly Wee thinking that I am 7 weeks 7 days pregnant (according to app “Flo”) but turned out to be only 6 weeks 2 days pregnant!!

It could be due to the fact that the length of my period is 35 days long. Anyway, Dr Dolly requested to see me in 2 weeks time (2 March 19) to ensure that the baby is growing well. :/

Alittle worried but hope everything turns out fine.

Was prescribed folic avid and Bcomplex.

Baby bump (my weight 51.6kg >.<):

Dr Dolly said to only gain 1kg a month and keep the whole pregnancy weight gain within 10kg. :/

Charges for today: $180