Saturday, April 20, 2019

Baby 2: 4th prenatal checkup (16weeks)

Went to see our little one today.

I have gained around 2kg!! Omg. My weight is now 53.1kg! But doctor say it’s ok because for the last two checkup I have not gained any weight.

Was told that the blood test that I took last month revealed that I have low iron and vitamin D! Other than that, I’m perfectly fine.

Baby was active during scan and I can tell that doc is trying to figure out the baby gender for us. :P
During the scan:
1. Doctor commented that my placenta is lying low and hopefully it will bring back up.
2. Doctor showed us the baby’s face, eyes, nose, back bone, two legs...
3. At the end, she pointed to us on the screen and said “Here’s the baby’s genital area. As you can see, it’s flat. So there is a 80-90% chance that it is a girl.”.

At the end of the scan, doctor said during 20th week, a detailed anomaly scan will be scheduled which will help to identify any abnormalities, such a cleft lips, missing heart chambers, etc. This scan would be especially helpful since I did not opt to go for OSCAR test.

Here’s my baby bump:

Damages: $250 including a vitamin D, folic acid and DHA supplements.

Next checkup would be on the 24th May :)

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