Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Baby 2: Birth Story

Last picture of my huge baby bump at 39 weeks:

1 Oct:

8.30pm: Saw the bloody discharge/ mucus plug when when going to the toilet
8.30pm to 10pm: As there was no contractions, decided to not go to the hospital immediately.
10pm to 12am: Contractions were felt during these period and getting stronger.

2 Oct:

1.15am: Decided to go to the hospital. Informed MIL about it and left our son who was sleeping with her. 
2am: Reached hospital and was surprised when the midwife told me that I was already 5cm dilated.
2.40am: Opted for epidural after much thought. Decided to not “suffer”. 
3.53am: Baby is born!! *super fast* Had an hour of skin to skin bonding with baby. She’s so adorable! 
~5am: Pushed to ward. 
7.30am:Baby was brought to me for feeding (didn’t feed as baby not interested) 
8am: Epidural wear off. Started feeling pain in abdominal area and you know where. 

2 nights stay at the hospital 

Was pleasantly surprised that the pain in my you know where was not as bad. Managed to pee on first try as instructed by the nurse.

Even managed to poo! Lol.

When Doc Dolly came on second visit to check on me she was also surprised. She commented that I must be much more relaxed this time round :) 

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